Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Flag Flying days 2014

Here is a list of some of the Flag Flying Days in the UK for 2014.
Date Occasion Flag to fly
January 20th Birthday of HRH The Countess of Wessex Union Flag
January 26th Australia day Australian Flag
February 6th Her Majesty's Accession Union Flag
February 8th New Zealand Commonwealth Day New Zealand Flag
February 19th Birthday of Prince Andrew Union Flag
March 1st St David's Day (Wales only) Wales, Red Dragon Flag
March (2nd Monday) Commonwealth Day Union Flag
March 10th Birthday of the Earl of Wessex Union Flag
March 17th St. Patrick's Day St. Patrick's Cross
April 21st Birthday of Her Majesty The Queen Union Flag
April 23rd St. George's Day (England only) England, St. George Flag
May 5th Europe Day EEC Flag
June 2nd Coronation Day Union Flag
June (as appointed) Official celebration of her Majesty's The Queens Birthday Union Flag
June 20th Birthday of The Duke of Edinburgh Union Flag
June 21st Birthday of Prince William Union Flag
June 29th Armed Forces Day Armed Forces Day Flag
July 1st Canada Day Canadian Flag
July 4th USA Independence Day USA, Stars and Stripes Flag
July 14th Bastille Day French Flag
July 22nd Birthday of Prince George Union Flag
August 15th Birthday of Princess Anne Union Flag
September 15th Birthday of Prince Harry Union Flag
October 21st Trafalgar Day Union Flag
October 24th United Nations Day UN Flag
November (2nd Sunday) Rememberance Day Union Flag
November 14th Birthday of The prince of Wales Union Flag
November 20th Her Majesty's Wedding Anniversary Union Flag
November 30th St. Andrews Day (Scotland) Saltire, St. Andrews Flag

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